Tag Archives: routine

A day in the life of the newly employed

3 Aug

Clearly, I am a little slow at adapting to change. This remains true when switching from an unemployed recent college grad who can sleep in until 9:00 and stay in her pajamas all day, to a full-time employed, responsible “grown up.” (Except I don’t think real grown ups actually call themselves “grown ups.”)


I have had a hard time adjusting to my new schedule. I’ve barely blogged in over a week, my dry erase board calendar still reads ‘July,’ and I haven’t changed my sheets in nearly two weeks (did I really just tell you that?).

The good thing is, I think I’m actually beginning to get the hang of this whole “being a responsible adult” thing. With a little trial and error, I’m figuring out what works for me. Here’s what my typical day looks like (Well, for now, at least.  I’ve only been working for 7 days):

6:10am-7:30am Wake up, get ready, eat breakfast, pack lunch, browse online if there’s time

7:30am-8:15am Commute to work

8:15am-1:00pm Work, work, meetings, work

1:00pm-1:15pm Take a walk outside (My body does not like sitting for 8 hours!)

1:15pm-4:30pm Eat lunch at my desk, work some more

4:30pm-5:15pm Commute back home

5:15pm-5:45pm Eat a small snack, rest

5:45pm-6:45pm Gym time

6:45pm-8:00pm Shower, eat dinner

8:00pm-10:00pm Hang out with Jordan, catch up on emails, blog-if there’s time

10:00pm Bed

Thankfully, my employer is extremely flexible with my hours. As long as I’m there before our morning meeting, I’m good to go. I like to get there early though (most people arrive an hour after I do), so I can get my stuff done and beat rush hour on the way home. I’ve also been eating lunch at my desk. I figure I might as well be productive while I eat. However, when my shoulder started hurting from sitting for such a long time throughout the day, I decided to take a 15 minute walking break at lunch to stretch out a little. I plan to keep this up as long as it’s nice outside :).

My walking path

So, that is what I have been up to. I have also become affectionately known as the girl with the heated blanket (I’m always freezing- I keep it at my desk so I’ll be more comfortable!), and the girl with the special keyboard (I put it on a lap desk so my shoulder isn’t strained). It’s really great to go into your first job sounding all high maintenance and everything ;).

I’m sure, in time, I’ll figure out which routine works best for me. In the mean time, I will just keep going with the flow- such an easy thing for a girl who is not Type A at all ;).

With that being said, I am off to go to work. Have a great Wednesday!

How did you adjust to your first full-time job after college?

Are you good at balancing your ‘real life’ and blogging?



Shoulder surgery

17 Jun

Apparently today just decided to fly by. Before I knew it, it was past 4:00. I still had have not worked out, and I was am still in yoga pants and a t-shirt.

My hair’s still in a messy bun, my legs are still not shaved (and I’m supposed to go swimming tonight).

But I have a sort-of valid reason. I went to the shoulder specialist today (aka the orthopedic surgeon). I need to have surgery on my shoulder. Next Thursday. You see, I have had shoulder problems for four years now, but waited until now to get it checked by an MD, by a specialist- I was trying to go the all-natural route. Turns out, those $50 chiropractor visits for shoulder therapy (that I have been going to for two years now) were doing nothing- my MRI shows an abnormal growth on my shoulder joint, and the only way to get my range of motion back is to have it removed. Hence, next week’s surgery. While chiropractor’s can do a lot of great things, I am grateful that I finally trusted my gut, and saw a specialist. Now I can finally get this thing removed and start feeling better (it’s most likely benign- I’m just ready for the pain to be gone!).

After my surgery consultation, my mom took me to Panera for lunch. I failed to take any photos, which has led me to this almost photo-less blog post. Oops. Just take my word for it when I say my 1/2 Greek salad and 1/2 Mediterranean sandwich was good :). By the time we finished eating, and ran back inside to buy some bagels for tomorrow morning’s breakfast (of course), the afternoon had passed us by.

Now that’s it’s almost 5:00, I’m thinking that I will skip today’s workout, go for an afternoon swim, make homemade pizza with Jordan, and help him take his dogs for a walk tonight-wait, that totally counts as working out, right?

Because it’s Friday, and I think I’m learning to embrace my routine-less days.

  Now how do I get that job…

And that’s a good thing :).